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Friendships And Personal Growth

The journey is never ending. There’s always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment ‘ - Antonio Brown

Now that I’ve turned a new age, I decided to do a blog on growth and friendships! 365 days of personal development and realisation of things around me and I’m so grateful to where God has brought me to and from.

What I’ve realised this year is that self reflection is a major key, i never really sat down to take a minute and just deep me as a person and certain things about myself and when I did, I started to grow a lot mentally and spiritually. It’s important to have self awareness because it’s the first step to personal growth, without it you can’t acknowledge certain characteristics and habits you have, there’s a big difference in someone telling you about yourself and you actually noticing it. The dictionary definition of self awareness is : conscious knowledge of one's own character and feelings., for me it’s the capacity and ability to be able to take an honest look at your life and see where needs fixing. Self awareness isn’t easy and takes a lot of strength and maturity to do this, not being self aware can have an impact on the relationships you have because you’re not mindful of how you treat others and how it can affect them. Personally, most of my life I’ve been told I have a really bad attitude by friends, teachers, parents, family, but even though so many people around me were telling me I never really took it in, as a result of that, the bad characteristic stayed with me for years until I noticed it for myself, and saw how it could affect others and myself. Until you take it upon yourself to be conscious of oneself and be mature enough to admit to yourself that this is something you need to fix, there will never be change. It’s a process that takes time, it’s not going to be a immediate fix because it’s something you’ve been so used to.

So much goes on in life and all around us, so in the midst of things we sometimes forget to put ourselves first and to remember we’re changing every single day, we’re not the same person we were last year or the month before and if you are the same or haven’t noticed a change within yourself then you need to follow that up . We need to make sure we take time to learn things about ourselves, who we are and where we wanna be. The problem a lot of people have is we ignore our toxic traits and the toxic traits of those around us especially friends. We choose to ignore them because of tolerance but that doesn’t allow you to grow and flourish as a person, because of the constant toxicity around you. What you need to understand is, it’s okay to distance yourself, take a step back and just analyse where you are in life, analyse the people around you , analyse your flaws and fix them. That’s the only way you will truly grow into the person you want to become, people may not understand why you’re being distant and may turn your change into a negative thing but not everyone is going to understand why you do certain things , as long as it benefits you as a human being that’s actually all that matters.

You will get friends that undermine you and make you feel like it’s not okay for you point out a flaw they have, just because you also once had that flaw and may mistake this as hypocrisy.Those type of people are not going to push you to a higher and better place but always bring you back to the place and person you once were, let go of them. You might feel off at first but when you do this you allow new beginnings into your life, you develop boundaries, self respect and a relationship with people that want the same things that you do.
People are quick to say don’t stay in a toxic relationship with a partner just because of history which is very true but that same rule applies in friendships , are your friends doing anything to benefit you? Have they ever supported you? Pushed you? Asked you about what you want in life? It’s okay to outgrow relationships that you’ve had for a long time, it’s bound to happen, some friends are genuinely not good for you and when you’re around the same type of people, you don’t notice bad habits you pick up and already have because you’re so normalised to them.

There's so many different type of friends out there and my older cousin once said to me, when you find real friends you’ll know what a real friend really is . We need to remember, those we keep around now are the people that are supposed to be our support group as we get older and go through big real life problems, would you wholeheartedly be comfortable with those around you to be there throughout your life? Some of you know the ones around us just ain’t it, so what is really holding you back from cutting people that don’t add anything but negativity into your life. Don’t be afraid to be lonely, it’s better to be by yourself than surrounded by nonsense. There’s no point screaming people ain’t got you like you have them when it’s honestly your choice to walk away and find people that do have you and will go above and beyond for you.

I’ve come across people that seem so lost, people that push away friends that really do have them to be apart of a lifestyle that aren’t there’s , to be apart of people that would never even check up on them to see how they’re doing. Friendships are supposed to be full of love, care, support and understanding, I’ve heard the wildest things about people cutting off friends simply because they go back to the same man/girl, that's something I will never understand, that’s not unconditional love and those type of friends need to be dropped. If you really love your friend you will help them get out of situations and be there for them every time they fall. You notice these things when you just sit back and analyse situations. It’s so much better than being a participant, you clock certain things about people that you wouldn’t have noticed if you didn’t just chill a bit and watch.

It might take others longer to realise who those people around them are , it might be through a situation that occurs, or something someone might say but when you have that epiphany there’s no going back. in this life you actually have to be selfish because we need to understand that when it all comes down to it, some of the ones that you think are your friends don’t even have you, yourself and God are the only ones that really have you so don’t lose yourself trying to please others that don’t care, You don’t need to bend, twist and break your back, for those that couldn’t give a toss about you or what you do.

People that call themselves friends do some messed up things so I just thank God I don’t care about a lot because it’s saved me from a lot of let downs& hurt. That also comes with when you expect too much from people, focus on yourself and stop overestimating your position in people’s lives cos you’ll be left disappointed all your life. Love yourself, learn about yourself, flourish and grow. Be the best version of yourself and forget what everyone else thinks, live in the moment and don’t give into negativity. -KW💕


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