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Showing posts from October, 2017

Happy Black History Month!

'Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and hope of the slave' - Maya Angelou  As black history month comes to an end I decided to do my first blog on just that. My memories of black history month growing up was absolutely ridiculous. It was basically non existent, we never once learnt about black history in all my years of education, it wasn’t made a big fuss over or any fuss at all. I believe that the learning of black history is momentous especially for the younger generation, they should grow up with knowing issues that were faced in the past. It is important in order for people to not grow up ignorant about the past and present. What makes the government think learning about Henry the Vlll and Margaret Thatcher is more important than learning about Ruby bridges. This is probably even the first time you’ve heard her name, the educational system is ethnocentric.Who’s really been to a school where learning about the culture and history of blacks was a p