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Showing posts from July, 2018

The Truth About Uni

'Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself ‘ - Gail Devers The end of the academic year is here now, this means the time has come where people have to  make a decision, whether to continue with education or stop. One thing people need to remember is that university is not for everyone, don’t ever let someone put you down or make you feel worthless because you decided you don’t want to attend. 1,180 people dropped out of uni in 2014 due to mental health issues. University can get very lonely, it’s relatively easy for your mental health to be affected , so it’s beneficial to ensure ur interacting with people. Also, get involved in things as you could fall into the habit of not branching out and keeping to yourself, despite you going to the same uni with a countless amount of people. Although, If this does happen to you, your university will assumedly have things in place in order to support and help you through it so make sure you take advantage of the